Turn Fast Startup On or Off in Windows 10

Fast Startup Fast Startup is a hybrid of Hibernate and Shutdown modes of Windows. Fast Startup hibernates the Windows Kernel and Device Drivers, i.e., it stores their information in the Hibernate file (hiberfil.sys). This bit resembles the Hibernate feature. But, unlike the Hibernate mode, Fast Startup first logs off the …

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15 Signs that Your Computer is Infected with Malware/Virus

15 Ways to Tell if Your Computer has a Virus / 15 Signs that Your Windows PC is Infected with Malware Slow Computer Too Many Ads Pop-up Windows Toolbars Locked/Encrypted Files and Folders Homepage, New Tab Page, and Search Engines Hijacked/Websites Redirected Accounts Hacked System Crashes Fake Sent Mails New …

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What is Windows10Upgrade folder in Windows? How to Delete it?

Windows10Upgrade The Windows10Upgrade folder is created and used by the Windows Update Assistant program for downloading and installing the Windows Upgrade file(s). The Windows Upgrade file, which comes in the .esd format, is downloaded into this directory. After a successful download, the Windows Update Assistant program uses this ESD file …

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How to Convert Windows 10 ESD Files to ISO Files

ISO Image File The .iso (ISO Image File) file format is the default file format for creating bootable disk image files. These image files are used for creating a variety of bootable utilities such as operating systems, rescue disks, partition managers, etc. All three of the major Desktop Operating Systems …

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Show or Hide Libraries in Windows 10 File Explorer Navigation Pane

Libraries Windows Libraries are a great way to organize your files. Libraries represent four folders that help the user organize the four most popular types of files – Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. Users can add or delete folders in Libraries; they can also rename the existing Libraries. Libraries can …

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Run Windows Programs Automatically Using Task Scheduler. Schedule Tasks in Windows.

Schedule Tasks in Windows Using Task Scheduler Windows has an inbuilt scheduling tool called the Task Scheduler, which you can use to make Windows perform certain tasks on specified schedules. The Task Scheduler will automatically execute the scheduled program on the specified time or event without the user intervention. Here’s how …

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How to Hide ENG Language Bar in Windows 10 Taskbar

Language Bar or Input Indicator The Language Bar or Input Indicator is a shortcut icon like many other icons that you get in the notification area of Windows Taskbar. And, like all of the other icons present in the notification area, you can turn this one On or Off too. If …

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How to Keep Scroll Bars Always Visible in Windows 10

Keep Scroll Bars Always Visible in Windows 10 In Windows 10, the overall theme system that we see is called the Fluent Design. The Fluent Design in an ongoing process. With each new build, Microsoft is shifting the Windows settings from the traditional Software design to the modern flat Apps …

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