How to Install Mouse Cursor Schemes in Windows 10

The default mouse cursor scheme in Windows is Aero White, which is available in three sizes – system scheme, large and extra large. You have three additional scheme sets – Windows Standard, Windows Black, and Windows Inverted. The Windows Standard in the old non-Aero Windows XP styled scheme, the Windows …

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How to increase the Mouse pointer speed in Windows 10, 8.1/8, 7.

Mouse pointer speed is the speed of your Windows Mouse Pointer, Cursor or Touch-pad. Windows lets its users adjust various Mouse pointer/cursor related properties. In order to customize these settings, we need to open the Mouse Properties window. Open Mouse Properties: Windows 10, 8.1/8 Press Windows key on your keyboard, …

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How to Detect the Type of RAM in your Computer?

Step 1: Right-click on the Taskbar. Step 2: Click the Task Manager option to open it. Step 3: In Task Manager, click on the Performance tab. On the left side, you’ll see details about various Hardware components. The Performance window is divided into two panes. The left pane has entries …

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